Monday, May 11, 2009

Crazy Chain

Downtown San Antonio life.
This man's feet above we're a little quiet, but his mouth sure did like to talk. He told us he had once been a pimp but his father, who he said was in the DEA, stopped him. Now he's just a regular old San Antonio drifter with nothing to lose but his shoes.

Long hard days and stinky old men. My days have been filled with many other feet of many sizes. I traveled down to Llano, Texas where the only sign of feet we're imprints in the sand by the river. Llano was a trip. All the feet further in town seemed to be familiar with each other leaving our feet to fend for them-selfs. The river got to us a bit, and there are a few claw marks from the rocks but oh well, you win some you lose some.

The feet to the right are my new lover's. They are waiting for me to come home. I cant describe them too well, but I know they are very much like me. We seem to clash a bit because of our similarities but in a nice way. Last night they kept me warm and put me to sleep, and with all that's been going on; I could not have askedfor anything better.

One thing I would like to ask this time is less time on car pedals, I'm done with pushing for hours and not seeing life around me. The dark carpeting drives me a little crazy now and I would love to be in fresh air rather then in hot car. I'm glad I don't get motion sickness like the rest of me.

Now it should be time to rest, but this body must keep moving. Till I sit agian; See ya

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Feet Spit Bath
I don't have much to say about the picture above.Feet being loved by the untainted soul of a little puppy dog. What could be better?

OH! And I met some new feet. They are nice, clean, and a little smelly but they seem just right. I saw them at Asylum post breaking up with the old pair of DC's who had been hanging around some nasty other feet behind my back. Anyways,these new feet have shown that they care and have looked after me even though our placement in that same room was not too long ago. let's see how these feet end up being.

I would like to make a note also for all you feet owners out there. If your shoes have holes and your walking the Austin city streets, us feets will become very upset. Think of all the vomit that could of been there? And all the dirt we're getting all over our nice clean heels. No, no, no, please no. Get new coverings for us A.S.A.P.

At the moment, Holden the kittykats feet won't let me be. They keep thinking my toes are his for the taking, digging the small new nails he has recently been endowed with deep into my flesh. oh, him.

New feet to come with time!

Monday, February 9, 2009

To start, these are my feet. My past feet. My feet in Paris. This blog is about feet. Where they go, how they feel, and what they are attached to. This picture was taken sometime last April. I don't remember what my feet felt then, but I have a feeling some pleasure and maybe a little fright of falling down the cracks. They were looking all through Paris. I don't think they liked the rain too much, or all the other shuffling, smelly feet around them. They were a guest to the floor they stand on.

But, we should move on to now-a-day feet, huh? Today I went to drop off some medication to a tooth acher. As I was there I looked down and saw two things: a puppy no bigger than a coffee mug and a pair of feet looking oh so ready to work in some yellow doc martian construction boots. They looked also a bit embarrassed of their outer shell. The legs on them were from a boy who looked too into himself and had forgotten them. They walked the room, lagging behind the fool they carried. I thought, poor feet,poor boots, what bad luck they had than.

The rest of my day was filled with school feet, which I look at just like ants and don't give a second look too. I should though, right? The worlds crawling with feet attached to brains you'll never meet because you don't want to. They could be the feet for you! Your next best friend. But we skip out, and move our toes forward. Womp Womp Womp.

Now the only feet around me are fuzzy and the size of a quarter. They are little Holden's four feet, the only pure ones I've seen all day. Hes glad they hold up his body up and let him swat at my eyelids. That's all the feet I can think of today but tomorrow's a fresh day and I'm sure I can fill your head up with more of them then. ;Q